Posted in All, NGA911 on Nov 08, 2021

Next Generation 9-1-1 (NG911) FAQs: What it is, How it Works and the Future of Emergency Call Processing and Response

Next Generation 911 (NG911) is the next evolution of emergency call processing and response systems technology.The purpose of NG9-1-1 is to provide the public with better access to emergency services by leveraging advanced communications and wireless technologies.

NG9-1-1 will give first responders more information about what they are facing during an emergency response, providing a tactical advantage in potentially life-threatening situations.

But what is NG9-1-1 exactly? As leading providers of NG911 systems and Next Generation Core Services, this is one of many common questions we at NGA 911 are asked.

In this blog post, our experts at NGA 911 will cover NG911 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), including:

  • What is Next Generation 911
  • How it works
  • What are Next Generation Core Services

We'll also discuss what the future of emergency response looks like in a deployed Next Generation 911 environment.

Top NG9-1-1 FAQs

At NGA 911, we're not just a leading provider of Next Generation 911, but a resource for public safety professionals to learn more about NG9-1-1.

That's why we've not only put together a list of the most frequently asked questions about NG911, but have also provided answers as well!

What is NG9-1-1?

NG9-1-1 is an emergency communications system designed to enable real-time, multimedia communications between 911 telecommunicators, first responders in the field, and 911 callers.

With NG9-1-1, individuals needing 911 assistance can share the following with emergency response professionals in real-time:

  • Still images (photos)
  • Pre-recorded video or streaming media
  • Text Messages
  • Voice Messages

This transmitting of information will help public safety answering points (PSAPs) and emergency call centers (ECCs) provide assistance more efficiently and effectively.

What Does NG9-1-1 Stand For?

NG9-1-1 stands for Next Generation 911. Because there are still states and counties that use outdated 911 systems across the nation, those systems need to be upgraded to support Next Generation 9-1-1 capabilities and technology.

NG9-1-1 infrastructure and technology runs on the cloud. This means that Next Generation 911 uses digital or Internet Protocol (IP)- based software designed to work anywhere, at any time.

How Does NG9-1-1 Work?

The innovative NG9-1-1 system is a digital data transmission that allows people to send messages and vital information regarding emergencies directly from their smartphones to emergency communications centers throughout the country. This revolutionary emergency system will improve how civilians communicate with first responders.

When a secure and reliable system like NG9-1-1 is in place, 911 professionals will have the tools they need to quickly and efficiently deploy an emergency response.

When Does NG9-1-1 Start?

Planning for Next Generation 911 began in 2000, with the goal of it becoming a nationwide infrastructure in NENA's Future Path Plan in 2001. Today, the newest, most innovative NG9-1-1 systems are being implemented all over the country.

What Are Next Generation Core Services?

Next Generation Core Services (NGCS) is NGA 911's signature offering and runs on the cloud. It is the software that makes routing texts, videos, voice messages, and photos to 9-1-1 personnel possible. NGA 911's development team has been working hard to build this revolutionary system for the past five years.

Thanks to NGCS, effortless communication between emergency professionals and the general public is achieved through:

  • Smartphones
  • Tablets
  • Other smart devices

The Future of Emergency Response with Next Generation 911

There is no doubt the future of emergency response will be highly dependent on NG911. NG9-1-1 has already revolutionized how first responders and public safety organizations handle 911 calls, manage incidents, and dispatch resources to those in need.

Next Generation 911 plays a vital role in how public safety professionals can and will communicate and respond to emergencies in the 21st Century.


Quick and effective emergency response is not possible without modern, reliable, and adaptable 911 communication systems in place. This is where NGA 911 comes in!

Looking for more information about Next Generation 911?

Connect with our experts at NGA 911 for more answers to NG911 FAQs, news, and much more!